A.S.Adventure envelope
A.S.Adventure is Belgian chain stores of outdoor clothes and action equipment like Alpindustria, Kant or Tramontana in Saint-Petersburg. You are able to buy here a gift card and send it to your friend. Girl at the cash desk will give you the special envelope for that reason.
And this particular envelope has a unique and surprising design. It resembles a mail envelope from the Soviet Union epoch: address and receiver fields are labelled in Cyrillic, Russian postage stamps as well as international stamps are placed around.
The discount card of A.S.Adventure shops has also the unique design: it looks like two cards sticked together, an ordinary one and a smaller one that features instructions for internet quest.

A.S.Adventure envelope and a discount card
A.S.Adventure chain stores in Antwerp A.S.Adventure chain stores in Antwerp
A.S.Adventure chain stores in Antwerp

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